Daniel Einhorn, M.D.

Dr. Daniel Einhorn leads the Sharp Diabetes Treatment and Research Center in San Diego, California. His very large clinical program includes two partners, each board certified endocrinologists. Dr. Einhorn is a clinician with a reputation as a teacher of other clinical endocrinologists. He has played an important role in the Endocrine Society and the Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in providing updates on clinical management of diabetic patients. Dr. Einhorn has participated in over 50 clinical trials of diabetic agents. He has also carried out numerous studies in hypertension and hyperlipidemia. He has two partners, Dr. Eric Gold and Dr. Raymond Fink, both board certified endocrinologists. Each has had significant experience in clinical trials. He has a close working association with the very active cardiology group at Sharp Memorial Hospital. Drs Laurence Favrot and Brian Jaski have agreed to participate as co-investigators in this trial. Dr. Favrot is Director of Cardiovascular Services at the San Diego Heart Center and at Sharp Hospital. Dr. Jaski is Scientific Director of Research at the San Diego Cardiac Center at Sharp Hospital. He was involved in the mortality review of the vesnarinone study. He is an expert in the mechanisms of congestive heart failure and has published over 50 articles and abstracts in this area. Dr. Einhorn’s primary coordinator is Denise Humphries.


Sharp Diabetes Treatment and Research Center
3425 Kenyon Street, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92110
Phone: (619) 224-3677
Fax: (619) 224-4106